Ce purtam de Revelion? / What we wear for the New Year?
Buna! Avand in vedere ca se apropie noaptea de Revelion, fiecare dintre noi visam sa stralucim in tinutele pe care le-am ales sa le purtam. Pentru cele care sunteti nehotarate, m-am gandit sa va arat cateva modele de rochite elegante si foarte potrivite pentru evenimentul in sine.
Hello! The New Year is almost here and each one of is dreaming of shinning in the outfits that we chose to wear. For those who are uncharted, I thought to show you some models of elegant dresses and very suitable for the event itself.
Rochie Miss Grey din dantela Tania Verde Smarald
Rochita este creata din dantela brodata in nuanta verde smarald, lungimea este medie si vine mulata pe corp. In ceea ce priveste compozitia, contine polyester si elastan.
Brandul Miss Grey este 100 %, ceea ce ma face sa ii dau un punct in plus si a luat nastere in anul 2012.
Adevarul este ca imi place foarte mult acest brand, au rochii superbe, de bun gust si de calitate , spre deosebire de alte firme. Pretul este de 299 lei. O gasiti aici.
The dress is made of lace embroidered in the emerald green shade, the length is medium and it is mulled on the body. As for composition, it contains polyester and elastane. The Miss Gray brand is 100%, which makes it give her an extra point and was born in 2012.
The truth is that I really like this brand because of good taste and quality dresses, unlike other companies. The price is about 80 -90$.
The dress is made of lace embroidered in the emerald green shade, the length is medium and it is mulled on the body. As for composition, it contains polyester and elastane. The Miss Gray brand is 100%, which makes it give her an extra point and was born in 2012.
The truth is that I really like this brand because of good taste and quality dresses, unlike other companies. The price is about 80 -90$.
Rochie aurie Roserry petrecuta din paiete
Rochia aceasta mi se pare a fi destinata noptii de Revelion datorita paietelor din care este creata.
Descriere : Captuseala: da
- paiete pe tulle elastic
- fermoar ascuns pe spate
- captuseala fustei este mini
- finisaje de inalta calitate
- fermoar ascuns pe spate
- captuseala fustei este mini
- finisaje de inalta calitate
Se poate curata chimic, deoarece nu afecteaza materialul, avand in vedere ca este 100% polyester. Pe site-ul lor (Fashion Up se numeste in caz ca am uitat sa mentionez), la fiecare rochie se gaseste atasat un tabel cu marimile EU. Pretul rochitei este de 288 lei si transportul este gratuit.😊
This dress seems to me to be designed for New Year's Eve because of the sparkles it is made of.
Description: Planking: yes
- sparkles on elastic ties
- hidden zipper on the back
- the skirt of the skirt is mini
- High quality finishes
It can be cleaned chemically because it does not affect the fabric, since it is 100% polyester. On their site (Fashion Up is called in case I forgot to mention), each size is accompanied by a table with EU sizes. The cost of the dress is 80$ and the transport is free of charge.
This dress seems to me to be designed for New Year's Eve because of the sparkles it is made of.
Description: Planking: yes
- sparkles on elastic ties
- hidden zipper on the back
- the skirt of the skirt is mini
- High quality finishes
It can be cleaned chemically because it does not affect the fabric, since it is 100% polyester. On their site (Fashion Up is called in case I forgot to mention), each size is accompanied by a table with EU sizes. The cost of the dress is 80$ and the transport is free of charge.
Rochie Roh Boutique eleganta, cu dantela
Descriere : Rochie midi bodycon eleganta din jersey, cu dantela bej in contrast, crosetata in partea de sus a rochiei, fermoar lateral ascuns si cusatura pe centru spate.
Daca preferati ceva simplu si care sa va si scoata in evidenta feminitatea, atunci rochia aceasta este o alegere buna. Are o nuanta frumoasa de bleumarin imbinata cu danteluta crem, dand o nota de finete tinutei. Nu are tabel de marimi, ceea ce ma face sa cred ca este o marime universala. Pretul ei este de 150 lei si o gasiti aici.
Description: Jersey stylish midsole dress with contrasting beige lace, crocheted top of the dress, hidden side zipper and center back stitch.
If you prefer something simple and that will emphasize your femininity, then this dress is a good choice. It has a beautiful blue cloth tied with creamy lace, giving a touch of fineness to the outfit. It does not have a size table, which makes me think it's a universal size. Its price is 55$.
O rochie extrem de frumoasa si eleganta pentru noaptea dintre ani este cea de la Evening Look by Roxanne. Este o rochie de lux, creata din paiete si cu broderie neagra aplicata pe bust. Pretul este unul destul de piperat, 1800 lei si nu cred ca merita dati atatia bani pentru o singura seara, plus ca se face la comanda si dureaza 30 -35 de zile de la comanda, iar daca vreti sa vi se faca dupa masurile proprii trebuie sa mai dati 60 de euro. La fel e si la schimbarea culorii, se percepe o taxa de 60 de euro. Personal, oricat de frumoasa si senzationala ar fi, nu as da atatia bani. O puteti gasi pe Evening Look by Roxanne.
In incheiere, va doresc sa aveti parte de un An Nou Fericit si plin de bucurii!
An extremely beautiful and elegant dress for the night between years is Evening Look by Roxanne. It's a luxury dress made of sequins and with black embroidery on the bust. The price is a fairly peppery,400$ and I do not think it's worth giving you enough money for one evening, plus it's done on order and it takes 30-35 days from the order, and if you want it to be done according to your own measures to give 60 euros. So is the change of color, a fee of 60 euros is charged. Personally, no matter how beautiful and sensational it is, I would not give so much money. You can find her on Evening Look by Roxanne.
At the end, I wish you to have a Happy New Year full of joy!
An extremely beautiful and elegant dress for the night between years is Evening Look by Roxanne. It's a luxury dress made of sequins and with black embroidery on the bust. The price is a fairly peppery,400$ and I do not think it's worth giving you enough money for one evening, plus it's done on order and it takes 30-35 days from the order, and if you want it to be done according to your own measures to give 60 euros. So is the change of color, a fee of 60 euros is charged. Personally, no matter how beautiful and sensational it is, I would not give so much money. You can find her on Evening Look by Roxanne.
At the end, I wish you to have a Happy New Year full of joy!
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