Cu ce ma machiez? My daily make up
Hello! Astazi am sa va vorbesc despre machiajul potrivit pentru birou sau pentru alte activitati din cadrul zilei si ce produse de make -up ma ajuta foarte mult in crearea machiajului.
In primul rand, pentru ca un machiaj de zi sa fie cu adevarat reusit trebuie sa folosim o crema hidratanta pentru ten si care sa fie potrivita nevoilor noastre. Eu am vazut ca se foloseste si primer, dar pentru mine ii suficienta crema hidratanta. Primer-ul il folosesc doar pentru un machiaj de seara, cand am un eveniment,in sta degeaba prin sertar.😃
Dupa ce ma dau cu crema, aplic ori un CC cCream de la Farmasi, care e super bun, ori fondul de ten Affinitone de la Maybelline care, iar, este foarte bun. Stiu ca multe fete se plang de acest fond de ten deoarece are o textura lichida, dar mie mi se potriveste excelent si nu imi incarca tenul deloc..imi da un aspect foarte natural.
Un alt fond de ten revolutionar (pentru mine cel putin) ,este FDT Revlon Colorstay. Din punctul meu de vedere este cel mai bun FDT de pe piata, are acoperire mare, nu se simte pe ten, nu are nici parfum..ceea ce il face de nelipsit din sertarul meu. De obicei il folosesc la ocazii si seara, rareori il folosesc in timpul zilei..numai chiar cand arat mai mult decat horror ;)). Vara, il folosesc in combinate cu FDT de la Rimmel, deoarece pe cel de la Rimmel l-am luat in cea mai inchisa nuanta si astfel, incerc sa dau tenului o usoara nuanta de bronz. Un FDT bunicel,pe care l-am cumparat tot in scopul de a parea usor bronzata, este cel de la Max Factor, in nuanta 109. Nu prea stiu ce sa zic despre el, imi place si nu imi place..mi se pare ca se intinde greu pe fata. O sa vad la vara cum se va comporta din nou..deocamdata am dubii in privinta lui.
Hello! Today I want to talk you about my daily make up and what products I'm using. First, we need to use an moisturizing cream for each skin type. You can also use a primer after the moisturizing cream, but I only use it when I'm going to a party or something.
As FDT, I'm using Farmasi CC Cream or Affinitone Maybelline.
The best foundation for me is Colorstay Revlon. From my point of view it is the best FDT on the market, it has great coverage, it does not feel on the skin, it has no perfume ... what makes it of my own drawer.Usually I use it on occasions and evenings, I rarely use it during the day .. just when I look more than horror;)). In summer, I use it in combination with FDT from Rimmel, because Rimmel I took it in the darkest hue and so I try to give the skin a light tan bronze. A FDT grandmother, whom I bought all in order to look slightly tan, is the one from Max Factor in nuance 109. I do not really know what to say about it, I like it and I do not like it ... it seems to me that it stretches hard on the face. I will see in the summer how it will behave again .. I still have doubts about him.
Hello! Today I want to talk you about my daily make up and what products I'm using. First, we need to use an moisturizing cream for each skin type. You can also use a primer after the moisturizing cream, but I only use it when I'm going to a party or something.
As FDT, I'm using Farmasi CC Cream or Affinitone Maybelline.
The best foundation for me is Colorstay Revlon. From my point of view it is the best FDT on the market, it has great coverage, it does not feel on the skin, it has no perfume ... what makes it of my own drawer.Usually I use it on occasions and evenings, I rarely use it during the day .. just when I look more than horror;)). In summer, I use it in combination with FDT from Rimmel, because Rimmel I took it in the darkest hue and so I try to give the skin a light tan bronze. A FDT grandmother, whom I bought all in order to look slightly tan, is the one from Max Factor in nuance 109. I do not really know what to say about it, I like it and I do not like it ... it seems to me that it stretches hard on the face. I will see in the summer how it will behave again .. I still have doubts about him.
Odata cu finisarea FDT-ului incep sa imi conturez sprancenele.Pana acum cateva luni foloseam creioane destinate conturarii acestora si kit-ul de sprancene, insa de un timp incoace am descoperit gelul pentru sprancene de la Catrice si este un produs foarte bun. Cred ca pe piata exista doar doua nuante,caci altele nu am vazut. Gelul acesta defineste foarte bine sprancenele, le umple exact cat e necesar si rezista lejer si nici nu se intinde daca din greseala il atingi cu mana. Are si un pret bun de 15 lei. Dupa ce se gata, il voi achizitiona iar.
When I finish with the foundation, I'm starting to outline my brows. Until a few months ago I used pencils to shape them and the eyebrow kit, but for a while I have discovered the eyebrow gel from Catrice and is a very good product. I think there are only two shades on the market, because I have not seen others. This gel defines the eyebrows very well, fills them exactly as needed, and resists light and does not stretch if you accidentally touch it. It also has a good price of 4$. Once ready, I'll buy it again.
Pentru estomparea cearcanelor, folosesc 2 corectoare - anticearcan. Unul este de la Aura, din DM, iar celalalt este de la Catrice. Ambele sunt foarte bune, imi plac foarte mult si sunt si acceptabile la pret ( pana in 20 lei ).Cel de la Catrice este si rezistent la apa, ceea ce ii da o nota in plus si are si un miros usor, foarte placut. Am sa pun poze cu cele doua corectoare si am facut si un swatch ca sa vedeti, Cel de la Aura este mai inchis fata de cel de la Catrice, dar se uniformizeaza imediat ce il aplic sub ochi,
For the darkening of the circles, I use 2 correctors - concealer. One is from Aura ( DM), and the other is from Catrice. Both of them are very good products and I like them a lot and the price is really nice..5 $ each other. The Catrice concealer is waterproof, which makes me give it an extra point and a very nice flavor. I have pictures of the two correctors and I have a swatch to see. The Aura is darker than Catrice's, but it gets uniformed as soon as it's applied under the eyes,
Inainte de a aplica fardul folosesc doua baze de machiaj : una de la Yves Rocher si una de la Alverde. Cea de la YV m-a dezamagit crunt, nu imi place absolut deloc cum apuc bine sa il aplic ca incepe sa se stranga in pliu, iar dupa ce pun si fardul la inceput pare ok, dar dupa 2 - 3 ore maxim tot fardul mi se strange.!!!😞 Imi pare rau ca l-am cumparat si am dat si 45 lei aiurea.Pacat de el, dar Yves Rocher oricum va ramane brand-ul meu de suflet.
Cel de la Alverde se comporta ceva mai bine, sunt multumita de el, machiajul nu se strange, desi sunt zile in care se strange si zile in care nu se strange. Intelegeti voi ideea. ;)) Oricum, pentru 11 lei cat am dat pe el isi face treaba.
Before applying the blush they use two makeup bases: one from Yves Rocher and one from Alverde.
The one from YV disappointed me, I do not like absolutely how it works .. It's noy good to apply it as it starts to fold in the fold, and after I put the blond at the beginning seems ok but after 2-3 hours maximum the blush gets tightened!!!The proce was between 10 - 12$.
Alverde behaves a little better, I'm happy with it, makeup does not gather, although there are days when it works and there are days when she does not get tired. You understand the idea. ;)) Anyway, for 4$ as I gave on it he does his job.
Before applying the blush they use two makeup bases: one from Yves Rocher and one from Alverde.
The one from YV disappointed me, I do not like absolutely how it works .. It's noy good to apply it as it starts to fold in the fold, and after I put the blond at the beginning seems ok but after 2-3 hours maximum the blush gets tightened!!!The proce was between 10 - 12$.
Alverde behaves a little better, I'm happy with it, makeup does not gather, although there are days when it works and there are days when she does not get tired. You understand the idea. ;)) Anyway, for 4$ as I gave on it he does his job.
Trusa mea preferata de machiaj este cea de la Fraulein, paleta de 120. Sunt pur si simplu innebunita dupa ea si momentan este singura de care abuzez (desi mai am truse uitate pe undeva prin sertare.)
Culorile sunt foarte pigmentate si rezista bine pe ploape. Unde mai pui ca si pretul a fost foarte mic ( 50 lei de la 1001 cosmetice ).
Tusul de la Essence este extraordinar..este un negru intens, rezista foarte bine, insa trebuie avut grija sa nu atingeti pleoapa caci se intinde si dus ii machiajul.
In materie de rimeluri, am 4 preferate : 2 de la Rimmel, unul de la Catrice si unul de la Maybelline. Sunt foarte bune, rezista pe gene si le da un aspect natural. Un mic amanunt ar fi acela ca rimelul de la Catrice este lichid si trebuie sa astept 2 minute pana se intareste, in rest, nu am nimic sa ii reprosez. Am si un creion auriu de la folosesc mai mereu caci se potriveste aproape la toate machiajele nude.
My favourite make up palette is Fraulein with 120 colours. I'm so excited about it and I use it every day. The colors are very pigmented and resist well on the eyelids and the price is so good..12 $.
The eyliner from Essence is extraordinary ... it is an intense black, it resists very well, but you must be careful not to touch the eyelid as it stretches and drips the makeup.
As mascara, I prefer 4 of them : 2 from Rimmel London, one of Catrice and one from Maybeline ( Lash Sensational). They are better then other mascara and have an natural look. A little detail would be that the Catrice mascara is liquid and I have to wait two minutes until it hardens, but I have nothing to reproach. I also have a golden pencil from Rimmel .. I use it every day because it fits with almost all the naked makeup.
Baton Maybelline Master Strobing Stick |
Essence '' Light up your face " |
Pentru a-mi finaliza machiajul folosesc paleta iluminatoare de la Essence " Light up your face- Luminizer palette " si stick-ul iluminator de la Maybelline. Sunt niste produse super super super faine, imi plac enorm de mult si le folosesc mereu. Paleta de la Essence are doua blush-uri ( unul nu stiu sigur ce ii) si iluminatorul ( cel din mijloc). Sunt pigmentate, rezista super mult pe ten, iar ilumiantorul e viiissss. Da o stralucire fina tenului si nu incarca deloc, iar pretul este undeva la 15 lei. Si stick-ul de la Maybelline ii foarte fain, e un auriu superb si da o frumusete aparte tenului. Le-as manca de dragi ce mi-s :)). Singurul lucru care ma deranjeaza este ca pe un FDT cu acoperire mare, gen Revlon Colorstasy nu prea ai cum sa il aranjezi ca nu se prea vede,iar daca pui prea mult arata incarcat ca pomul de Craciun. In rest, big like!❤
Si ultimul produs, pe care nu il folosesc prea des pentru machiajul de zi, este pudra de la Miss Sporty, So Matte. Este o pudra compacta bunicica,(eu mi-am ales cam inchisa nuanta si trebuie sa am grija cu ea), rezista destul de bine, dar o folosesc doar atunci cand tenul meu produce exces de sebum. sau la ocazii.In rest,eu nu folosesc pudra de niciun fel. Am luat-o din DM la 23- 24 lei parca.
Cam astea sunt produsele cel mai des utilizate de mine. Asta pana descopar iar altceva :)).
Imi cer fost cam pe graba si am uitat complet sa va arat rujurile pe care le folosesc cel mai des in aceasta perioada. Matte me de la Sleek e un ruj bun, imi place, mai ales culoarea,daaar,,urasc gustul pe care il are..apreciez faptul ca nu are tot felul de indulcitori sau stiu eu ce pun ei in ruj, dar asta chiar are gust horror. Parca e si putin cam prea uscat,dar nu conteaza :))..rezista super pe buze,nuanat o trec cu vederea celelalte (ma obisnuiesc eu si cu gustul :)) ). a costat 30 de lei.
Urmatoarele rujuri sunt de la Rimmel si sunt fabuloase. O sa incep cu cel de deasupra lui Matte Me. Este nuanta 330 ( Sloane's Plum) si e un fel de pruna - visina. Imi place cum arata pe buze, are un gust bun (acelasi e si la celelalte rujuri de la Rimmel), rezista destul de bine 5-6 ore si hidrateaza buzele. Urmatoarele doua nuante sunt 180 ( VIntage Pink) si 705 ( Let's get naked)..La fel ca si la anteriorul..textura moale, gut bun, rezistenta buna, mai putin la nuanta 705..rezista undeva la 4 ore, iar daca mancati mai putin rezista. Insa mie oricum imi plac si le voi recumpara cu mare drag, mai ales ca au un pret bun de doar 22 lei. Daca va plac genul acesta de rujuri, vi le recomand.PS;am o multime de rujuri, dar de o luna incoace doar astea le-am utilizat. :)
To complete my makeup, I use the Essence Lighting palette "Light up your face - Luminizer palette" and the illuminating stick from Maybelline. I really like this beauty products and I'm using them frequently. The Essence palette has 2 blushes ( the darkest one is good for contouring) and one illusione skin. They are pigmented, they resist too much on the skin, and the illusion is so soft. They give a shine to the skin and do not load at all, and the price is somewhere 4$. And the stick from Maybelline is very cool, it's a gorgeous golden and gives a beautiful beauty to the skin. I would eat them dear what I am :)). The only thing that bothers me is that a large-looking FDT like Revlon Colorstasy does not really have a way to arrange it does not look too, and if you put too much looks loaded like a Christmas tree.
And the last product, which I do not use too often for daytime makeup, is the powder from Miss Sporty, So Matte. It's a compact granny powder, (I've chosen a dark shade and I have to take care of it), it resists pretty well, but I only use it when my skin produces excess sebum. or on occasions. Otherwise, I do not use powder of any kind. I took it from DM at price of 6 $.
I apologize. I was a little rushed and I completely forgot to show you the lipsticks I use most often during this time. Matte me from Sleek is a good lipstick, I like it, especially the color,but, I hate the taste it has ... I appreciate the fact that it does not have all sorts of sweeteners or I know what they put in the lipstick, but that really has taste horror. It's like a bit too dry, but it does not matter :)) .. it resists super on my lips, I love it in nuance .. I overlook the others (I get used to the taste :))). costing 8$.
The following lipsticks are from Rimmel and they are fabulous. I'll start with the one above Matte Me. It is 330 (Sloane's Plum) and it's a kind of plum - cherry. I really love how it look on my lips, it have an good taste the same is the other Rimmel lipsticks), she resists well for 5-6 hours and moisturizes my lips. The next two shades are 180 (VIntage Pink) and 705 (Let's get naked) .. As in the previous...Soft texture, good flavour, good resistance, less shade 705 ... it resides somewhere in 4 hours, and if I eat less resist. But I like it anyway and I will rebuy it with great love, especially as they have a good price of only 5$. If you like this type of lipstick, I recommend them. PS, I have a lot of lipsticks, but for a month we just used them. :)
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