Produse de corp utilizate/Body lotions that I used

Hello, girls! Astazi va voi arata ce produse de corp folosesc pentru a-mi hidrata pielea. Adevarul e ca nu folosesc prea des lotiuni de fapt, mi-am facut un ''orar' al folosirii acestora. In sezonul rece toamna/iarna lotiunile de corp le folosesc de 2 ori pe saptamana, iar in sezonul cald primavara/vara, doar o data pe saptamana. De asemenea, o data pe saptamana imi exfoliez pielea, dupa care aplic un ulei de corp.

Hello,girls!Today I'm gonna show you the products I'm using to hydrate my body. The truth is that I'm not using so much this kind of products.In the cold season Im usint the body lotions twice a week and in the warm season only once a week.Also, once a week I'm exfoliating my skin, then I'm applying an body oil.

Gelurile mele de dus preferate sunt cele doua din poza, unul de la Balea, cu aroma de vanilie si cocos ❤..sunt innebunita dupa ele, si unul de la Palmolive, cel cu ciocolata. Miroase deeeliiiciioss..e ca un unt de ciocolata sau nu stiu cu ce sa il compar :)). Ambele sunt super super faine si nu as putea sta fara ele.😏
Exfoliantul de corp de la Cien Beauty elements contine orhidee si extract de orez si este un produs bun. Mie nu imi place  deloc mirosul, nu stiu de ce, poate datorita combinatiei dintre cele doua elemente. Miroase ingrozitor pentru mine, insa isi face treaba, imi plac foarte mult particulele micute, care zgarie usor pielea. Adica, eu cred ca asta ar cam trebui sa faca un exfoliant.Bine, nu va imaginati ca va lasa urme sau ceva de genul, insa se simte ca e exfoliant si nu gel de dus, cum am mai nimerit sa iau: pe produs scria exfoliant, dar cand il foloseam avea textura foarte blanda, ca a gelului de dus. Nu cred ca o sa il mai cumpar, tocmai datorita mirosului..pur si simplu  il detest. :)
Pentru igiena intima folosesc gelul de curatare de la Dove..are un parfum foarte subtil, aproape ca nici nu se simte. Eu nu am avut probleme cu el, curata delicat si eficient fara sa afecteze zona. De obicei, eu produsele astea le cam evit din cauza ca, folosite foarte mult,afecteaza zona, insa acum am simtit din nou nevoia de el, asa ca il folosesc pana la ultima picatura.

My favorite shower gels are the two of the picture, one from Balea, with vanilla and coconut flavor ❤..I'm going crazy after them, and one from Palmolive, the one with chocolate.It smells's like cocoa butter. Both of them are more than ok and i could not live without them.
Body exfoliator from Cien Beauty elements contains orchid and rice extract and is a good product. I don't know why I don't like the smell, perhaps the combination of those elements is guilty.It smells awful for me, but it does it's job, I really like the little particles that scratch the skin lightly.I mean, I think that's what I should do to exfoliate. Okay, do not imagine it will leave any traces or something, but it feels like exfoliating and not showering gel, how I got to take: on the product was written exfoliating, but when I used it she had a very mild texture, like the shower gel. I do not think I'll buy it again, just because of the smell ... I just hate it.
For intimate hygiene, I use the Dove cleansing gel. It's a very subtle perfume, almost like it does not feel. I had no problems with it, clean it delicately and efficiently without affecting the area. Usually these products are avoided because they are very much used, it affects the area, but now I felt the need again, so I use it until the last drop.

Lotiunea de corp de la Bath and Body Works din colectia Signature cu aroma de castravete si pepene este una din favoritele mele. Miroase extraordianr de bine.. a pepene..intra rapid in piele, iar mirosul persista ore bune pe corp.Imi place ca nu lasa senzatia de piele unsuroasa si ca dispozitivul de deschidere este unul util, in sensul ca nu se risipeste produs. Din pacate, mai am foarte putina lotiune, insa am de gand sa pun mana pe ea cat de curand.
Uleiul de corp Monoi de Tahiti de la Yves Rocher este un ulei cam pentru serile de vara la mare mai mult. Eu il folosesc si in perioada aceasta datorita termenului de expirare mic (  luni). Este foarte hidratant, intra putin cam greu in piele ( eu astept cateva minute pana sa ma imbrac), are un miros exotic puternic care ma incanta si e perfect pentru relaxare. Poate fi folosit si pe par, insa nu as recomanda deoarece il unge foarte tare..mie asa mi s-a intamplat..aratam de parca nu ma spalasem de o luna :)). In rest.. un produs super. Are 12 ml si a costat 45 lei si l-am luat de aici.

Body lotion Bath and Body Works from Signature Collection with cucumber and melon flavour is one of my favourites. It smells so good.. it quickly comes into the skin and the smell persists for good hours on the body. I like it does not leave the feeling of greasy skin and that the opening device is useful in that it does not waste the product. Unfortunately, I still have very little lotion, but I'm going to put her hand on it as soon as possible.
Body Oil Monoi from Tahiti from Yves Rocher  it is an oil for the summer evenings at sea more. I also use it during this time because of the small expiration date (months).It's very moisturizing, it gets a little hard in the skin (I wait a few minutes to dress), it has a strong exotic smell that delights me and is perfect for relaxation.It also can be used for hair, but i do not recommend it because it's so thick that it just happened to me .. it seemed like I had not washed for a month. the price was 11$.

Untul de corp de la The Somerset Toiletry Company cu Lamaie verde si cocos il iubeesc de-a dreptul. Este cel mai bun unt de corp folosit de mine:hidrateaza intens pielea, lasand-o moale si catifelata, da senzatie de racoare..dar ii una faina :))..intra rapid in piele si mirosul persista destul de bine. Am dat in jur de 40 de lei si l-am luat de la Marionnaud.

The Somerset Toiletry Company body butter with lime and coconut i love it. It is the best body butter I have used till now: it moisturizes the skin intensely, leaving it soft and velvety, giving a feeling of coolness..soo good.It was 10 $ at .Marionnaud.

In materie de apa de toaleta/ spray de corp le prefer pe cele puternice in sezonul rece. Unul din ele este spray-ul de corp cu aroma de vanilie de la The Body Shop. N-am cuvinte sa-l descriu..miroase absolut divin. daca va place vanilia, vi-l recomand cu drag.
Alte ape de toaleta minunate sunt cele de la Yves Rocher cu aroma de nuca de cocos si cea cu pere si cacao, care este editie limitata de Craciun. Miros minunat, le folosesc cu drag intreg sezonul si sper sa nu dispara prea curand din magazine😃.

In terms of toilet water / body spray I prefer the strong ones in the cold season. One of them is Body Body Shop's vanilla aroma body spray. I have no words to describe it. It is absolutely divine. if you like the vanilla, I kindly recommend it to you.
Other wonderful toilets are Yves Rocher with coconut and pear and cocoa flavors, which is limited to Christmas. Wonderful odor, I use the whole season and I hope they will not disappear too soon from the shops.

Si, ultimele produse de ingrijire corporala sunt 3 creme de maini de la 3 firme diferite : Bioten, Avon si bineinteles YV. Cea de la Bioten este cu miere si ulei de masline, insa nu prea imi place nimic la ea. De cate ori o folosesc am senzatia ca imi usuca mainile. Nu o sa o mai cumpar. Crema de maini de la Avon contine unt de cacao si vitamina E si imi place foarte mult:hidrateaza si miroase excelent si parca da si o usoara senzatie de caldura in maini. Este un produs care merita achizitionat, mai ales ca eu am dat pe ea doar 5 lei de la 1001 Cosmetice.
Crema de la YV este in editie limitata de Craciun si are aroma de clementine picante. Este absolut delicioasa, are textura usoara si hidrateaza bine mainile si nici nu lasa acea pelicula unsuroasa la suprafata pielii cum fac multe creme de maini. Este un produs perfect pentru mine.
Daca mai stiti si alte creme de maini la fel de bune,puteti sa imi lasati comentarii. :)    

   And the latest body care products are 3 hand creams from 3 different companies: Bioten, Avon and of course YV. The Bioten hand cream is with honey and olive oil, but I do not really like anything about it. Whenever I use it I feel like it dries my hands. I'm not going to buy it anymore.
Avon's hand cream contains cocoa butter and vitamin E and I like it very much: moisturizes and smells great and gives a slight warmth to your hands. It is a good product and have a price of only 1,5 $.
The YV cream is limited edition for Christmas and has spicy clementine flavor. It is absolutely delicious, has light texture and moisturizes your hands well and does not let that greasy film on the surface of the skin as many make-up creams. It's a perfect product for me.

If you still know other hand creams just as good, you can leave comments. :)

P.S: Imi cer scuze de aspectul articolului, insa o sa ma straduiesc sa il aranjez cat de cat. :)                                                                                                    


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