Masti de fata /Facial masks

   Buna fetelor si La multi ani! Va doresc ca in acest an sa vi se implineasca toate dorintele si sa va bucurati de fiecare clipa alaturi de cei dragi, deoarece asta e cel mai important. Astazi m-am gandit sa va vorbesc putin despre mastile de fata pe care le folosesc,desi eu nu sunt adepta unor astfel de produse in general,dar,totusi am auns sa folosesc cateva.
O sa incep cu Masca hidratanta de la Evoluderm cu ulei de argan si glicerina pe care am luat-o din DM la 18-20 lei. Imi place tare mult masca, are o textura usoara si foarte placuta in contact cu pielea. Se lasa sa actioneze 6 minute,dupa care se clateste cu apa calduta. Ce imi place cel mai mult la aceasta masca este gradul ridicat de hidratare pe care il confera tenului si ca nu se simte cand este aplicata,adica nu lasa senzatia aceea de "ciment" pe fata. Pentru mine este o masca excelenta,exact ceea ce vreau eu,
Spuma de fata de la Balea pentru ten uscat/sensibil cu extract de flori de cires nu este o masca,ci o spuma,dar am incadrat-o aici pentru ca o folosesc de 2 ori pe saptamana. Eu am tenul mixt spre gras,dar imi place foarte mult sa folosesc acest produs datorita formulei usoare pe care o are. Curata foarte bine tenul de impuritati si il lasa catifelat,are un miros foarte discret,abia perceptibil,spre deosebire de apa de fata din aceeasi gama care miroase putin mai tare si este si mai uleioasa.Am cumparat-o din DM la pretul de 9 lei.
Masca gomaj de la Farmasi cu extract de zmeura este de fapt, o crema exfolianta ce curata eficient porii, indepartand orice urma de machiaj, exces de sebum si celulele moarte de pe suprafata pielii. Imi place acest produs,nu pot sa spun ca sunt topita dupa el, asta deoarece imediat dupa aplicare,strange foarte tare tenul si ma cam deranjeaza lucrul acesta. Eu o aplic 1 data pe saptamana si o las sa actioneze 30 de minute,dupa care incep sa ''dezlipesc'' produsul de pe fata. Intradevar, isi face super bine treaba..imediat ce o dau jos tenul ramane impecabil si se simte foarte curat. Dupa utilizarea acestei masti, eu recomand aplicarea imediata a unei creme hidratante sau a uleiului de cocos, asta deoarece usuca foarte tare tenul Am luat-o de  aici la pretul de 10 lei.
Personal, eu am mai multe produse de la Farmasi si chiar sunt foarte bune, avand in vedere preturile mici pe care le au. 
Cam acestea sunt mastile utilizate momentan, mai am cateva cumparate,dar nu le-am inceput pentru ca vreau sa termin ce am inceput.Voi ce masti de fata utilizati?

Hello,girls and a Happy New Year! I wish you this year to fulfill all your desires and to enjoy every moment with your loved ones, because that's the most important thing.Today I thought to talk to you a little about the face masks I use, although I'm not a follower of such products in general, but I have come to use a few.
I will start with the Evoluderm hydrating mask with argan oil and glycerine bought from DM with only 5 $. I really like the mask, it has a light and very pleasant texture in contact with the skin. Leave to act for 6 minutes, then rinse with warm water. What I like most about this mask is the high degree of moisture it gives to the skin and that it does not feel when applied, meaning it does not leave that feeling of "cement" on the face. For me it is an excellent mask, just what I want.
Balea facial mousse with cherry blossom for dry/sensitive skin It's not a mask but a foam, but I put it here because I use it twice a week. I have mixed skin to oily, but I really like to use this product because of the light formula it has. It cleanses the skin thoroughly and leaves it velvety, it has a very discreet, barely perceptible odor, unlike the face water of the same range that smells a little lighter and is even oily. I bought it from DM at the price of only 2 $.
Gommage with raspberry from Farmasi is actually an exfoliating cream that effectively cleans the pores, removing any traces of makeup, excess sebum and dead cells on the skin surface. I like this product, I can not say that I'm melted after it, because immediately after application, it tightens the skin very hard and it bothers me a lot. I apply it once a week and let it go for 30 minutes, after which I start to "untie" the product on the face. It really does its job very well. As soon as it gets down, the skin remains impeccable and feels very clean. After using this mask, I recommend to immediately apply a  moisturizing cream or coconut oil, because it dries very hard. I took it from here at the price of 3.5 $.
Personally, I have several products from Pharmasi and are very good, given the low prices they have.
These are the masks currently used, I have a few bought, but I did not start them because I want to finish what I started. What masks do you use?


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